Startup companies from Serbia at Slush Conference

Slush is Europe’s leading startup and technology event that brought together large number of start-ups and investors for this year's event, taking place in Helsinki on December 1-2. At the event, startups have the opportunity to present their ideas, innovations, services and products to the professional public, and connect with international investors and potential partners.

Four companies from Serbia, tenants of Science and Technology Park Belgrade - UrbiGo, NewCo One, Alternative embedded innovation and  Dasha TSF, were supported by the Project “EU Support to Science and Technology Park Belgrade for Services to Innovative Companies”, funded by the European Union, to attend the event this year. These companies had the opportunity to raise visibility, present their work and innovative products and services.

Science and Technology Park Belgrade provides support to startup teams and companies, as well as growing technology companies, in the development and commercialization of innovative products and services. Important part of the services that companies receive by Science and Technology Park Belgrade relates to the internationalization of business.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13